Each category is important, the cleaners, mechanics, entertainers and security all make sure people are happy in the park, and the scientists research new rides, sideshows etc. In order to develop and run your park, you need to employ some staff. I won two in five minutes for earning so much money in a certain space of time, but I had no idea that I had been attempting this. Every so often, you'll be informed that you are close to winning one, if you can just squeeze in a few more visitors (a fire hazard, surely), but apart from that, the tickets appear sporadically and without warning. However, there is no clear route to winning the tickets. In turn, these golden keys allow you access to the two parks unavailable at the beginning of the game. Your overall aim is to earn golden tickets, which you can exchange for new rides (that wouldn't have been researched by your scientists) and golden keys. Whereas in RCT you had to attract so many visitors or earn so much money, here you are left without a specific purpose. There doesn't seem to be any real aim in building the parks. For example, there is a standard "bouncy castle" ride in each park in the Lost World, it is a bouncy dinosaur and in the Haunted House, it is a bouncy brain. Each park is set around a certain theme, Lost World, Haunted House, WonderLand and Space, and the rides and features all correspond to this theme. EA are, however, planning add-ons to increase this number. Although the parks take a while to complete, I think that four is a rather small number for the game to ship with (compared with 21 in RollerCoaster Tycoon). The others are dependent on you gaining a certain number of golden keys (which you earn by building impressive rides and attracting so many visitors to your park etc). There are four theme parks that can be built, but you can only access two of them to start with.

You do this by building rides, sideshows, shops and features (plants, toilets, bins etc), some of which have already been designed and some of which can be researched by your scientists - should you employ any. OK, basic premise is you have to create a theme park. Whilst there are some problems / annoying little asides with the game, there are some great ideas too. I couldn't help but compare the title to Hasbro's Rollercoaster Tycoon, and let me tell you, it measures up quite well. Theme Park World is the sequel to Theme Park (surprise) and is the latest game to be released by EA's Bullfrog. So naturally, in games like Theme Park World, the log flume is always the most daring and exciting ride in my park. Fast forward 18 years, and now I'm the first one in line for all the rollercoasters, complaining if they don't do enough loops, don't go fast enough.but I still hate that log flume. All the waiting and the excitement.and I hated it. The log-flume had just opened and we queued for hours to get on it. Rollercoaster Tycoon highly improved eveyrthing, made the parks more interesting and diverse, offered a ton more rides, had better AI (altough in the first game visitors get lost a lot), rides have stats.I remember going to Alton Towers when I was five. I don't know how anybody could enjoy them.
#Theme park ea full
Typical EA shovelware full of bugs and missed opportunities. The rides have no stats, you can build a rollercoaster with 20 loopings in a row and people still won't say "this is too extreme for me". The parks are all the same rectangle, the AI doesn't properly work, opponent parks are just stats that make no sense, the park visitors have no oppinion, no brain. The first Theme Park is a typical Molyneux (really the most overrated game designer of all time and a compulsive liar on top of it) game: Interesting for the first hour, boring afterwards since you already saw everything the game has to offer, nothing new gets added and all the flaws will show up. theme park is the entire reason I bought this. Originally posted by PandaPandaPANDA:theme park ps1 ftw.